Published On:2015/02/08
Posted by Unknown

3 Steps to Achieve Your Goal

Sometime you need to achieve your goal or dream, but in our life there are many problems hinders the achievement of your goals. Although you can overcome them and complete your goal.
You know the famous people who live with us now such as Bill Gates who has not completed his studies and insisted on completing his goal at the age of 20, He built his first company Microsoft Corp. and faced difficulties in his work but he could overcome it, and be one of the richest people in the world.
His daily income more than $ 20 million. and Walt Disney, who announced his bankruptcy five times Here is the owner of the largest publishing house. So What is the reason? What happened?
Today I will tell you how be one of those...

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If you gonna change in a really do 3 things:

You focus on it can you get queer and compelling vision for what you want. If your body’s not we want to be. I will tell you there is one simple reason: if not reverse no I voters are, voters all the time how I proud I am him no the if you focus on crashing into a pole trying not to the more you trying not what you focus on up through the years ago that is where you go right we all know that but what people tell you I am saying focusing on what you want about you or and knowledge is focusing on what we focus so why would like to be stronger like to be energetic I like to be fit it is focusing on 

How You Can Lose Weight !

making a compelling if you are a loser focusing on this flight Mauer I need I need to lose some weight cuz I feel fat verses I would be energy turbines battle have more passion more alive miss a pupil impact my children appeal to you know up your pic the business to another level hope you have fun when I am stressed out and tried of creativity flowing through you can not just focus on it you gotta clean a clear and compelling future in that area that will pull you towards it do not try push yourself if there is an area not 
approving in bigger three pillars a few, get focused in clear what is compelling where are you really do not why where do you wanna be make it so compelling you can help when you wake up in the morning you want to transform this are like so the quality life already is better just because it was so excited about what you are after when you do that your body or your motions or your finances wertheimer any ordinary you start broke a senior clear you are gonna have energy you are gonna drive you can start to do something how do you make sure what you do really works you . the second pillar because this is three pillars because you know to look at stores gonna fall over one leg you can suspect pillar you gotta get the best I say get the best tools get the best map get the best mentor what I am looking for years I am not I it is wonderful that you are focused think we are excited but if you are running east looking for a sunset you got a problem I do not care how big what you believe a comment you have the wrong tools you have the wrong map it so it is really critical wife I believe to get a mapping a mentor because the map for often changes in a basement or somebody who is the best at. what they do? they know the shortcuts number or the no change you do not get stuck hanging 10 out you know the desert when you are trying to get to the ocean you know mentaphorically is I have always focused on not responsible global who is the best mate who is got the best tools developers pillars a target your crystal clear the target and I got the toolbox man you got the best tools not repeat all the very best in a big way to get the best by the way my bonnet is model someone is already successful photos I come up with some obviously created but the foundation came by standing on more initialed by the dry no I will not bow on somebody is already got the result why reinvent the wheel success leaves clues find the best figure out what they are doing do that all trip find your you view it but start with were already working rather start from scratch in trial and error but if you have got what know that focus the target you have the tool box you are still not getting what you want it is because you got inner conflicts after birth do not you got resolve your in a complex because that was a try to explain to you eighty percent have success in anything is recycling GM 20 percent as the mechanics so both inner conflicts are we take two steps forward Paul three steps back right when you say boy I am fully committed this we do not fall through this my expertise the white guy part why do you keep saying you want to shove crystal-clear you have the tools and you are still not getting it there is a conflict in your you want to be totally successful but you are afraid at some level that if you will are to be successful you will not be loved you will be rejected you want to be in a position where you have  toll free time you want to build a billion-dollar enterprise beer conflict you really truly know you have the tools and how to make this happen but apart you does not think you deserve to succeed something you did at some point your life something you made up or you think making money are being successful economically is not spiritual in your community spirit on your Europe are did you if the in a conflict between fighting parts so what do we do with his third pillar think it is a vote we can unlock be given as I am walking on the beach have prepared to our the way you unlock unlock unleash you identify the conflict the it clear what they are so you many have total clarity even the tools but how can you calmly unleashing commit when you are being pulled in two different directions so how I solved a there is not one why you gonna get clear about what is most important to you today not what you think you should be based on a blueprint and all belief system your parents socity your friends a module succeed not differ from so much identify the conflicts now what you gonna do with a lime whole wine your life with what you really value why you live what is most important to you and then once you our position realign guess which will do take action you need to work out when everything is an alignment there is nothing pulling you away do not you go for but when you say I want a relationship but at the same time simultaneously I wanna be in a position where you know our I never have to you know I only get what I want every moment or never have to commit to anything the obviously you never gonna give you that inner conflict must be resolved once you align you take action this was gonna happen you can achieve and once you achieve you succeed when you succeed up they would you add to it celebrate right and then contribute pay it forward if you ask warnings that sounds over the moon therefore do not look back take what you have got what you learn and bring it to someone else can youu bring it to someone else it continues that cycle for film in droid meaning in your life everything works.

By: Samia

About the Author

Posted by Unknown on 6:11 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 6:11 PM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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