Published On:2015/03/13
Posted by Unknown

5 Best Umbrella Strollers


Umbrella strollers are the lightest and most convenient way to lug around your kids.Instead of unpacking the heavy, full-sized stroller for a short jaunt to the store, the umbrella stroller offers oodles of ease when it comes to folding up your stroller. Usually you can do it one handed, and they often weight less than 13 pounds. Not only that but they take up almost no space- hence the term 'umbrella stroller' because it folds up in a 3D design, to take up similar space to a large umbrella. They come in all shapes, sizes, weights, and colors.

They can range in prices from a measly $15, up to an eye-popping $1000. The more expensive umbrella strollers are often the special edition versions of a higher end stroller brand, like Maclaren or Silvercross. But just because of the difference in prices do not mean the most expensive umbrella strollers are the best. There can be quite a few great umbrella strollers which are priced at under $100, that have lots of extra features and work great.

Here is a list of the top 5 rated Umbrella Strollers.... Most are fairly affordable at under $100, but a few like the Maclaren, and the Inglesina can go upwards of a few hundred dollars



This stroller comes in many different versions, ranging from the lightest and cheapest version- The Volo, at under $100, to the most expensive Techno XL which is basically a lightweight full featured stroller with umbrella folding capabilities. My favorite of the Maclaren stroller family is the Quest sport. This has features like fully reclining seats for young infants, and extendable seat, one handed folding, and a super sleek, sporty look which comes in some very nice colors. mmmmmm very nice.

2) Inglesina Swift Lightweight Stroller

This stroller is a great stroller if you have an older baby, or young toddler. It can hold a child of up to 35 pounds, and it has a nice sturdy build. It is still relatively lightweight, hitting only 12 pounds. It comes loaded with tons of extra features like reflective piping for safety, a sunshade, storage basket, seatbelt, and foot pedal for folding. It also has a 4 point reclining seat, meaning that younger babies ride in the stroller in comfort. It has ergonomic handles which allow for easy pushing of the stroller, and it comes in a variety of colors. It prices at under $150, so its a good compromise with features and price.

3) Evenflo XSPORT

This stroller prices in at the very low price of aproximately $50. This stroller comes with tons of features associated with a full sized stroller, all with the convenience of a bi-fold lightweight frame. It comes with a large storage basket, higher handle height, a nice adjustable and removeable canopy, a mesh seat pad to allow for better circulation, and a console made of fabric which contains 2 cup holders, a concealable storage space, and a mesh pocket. Very good bang for the buck. All for around $50 bucks. Now that is impressive. 

4) Chicco C6 Stroller 

This top selling stroller is being used by millions of parents around the world. It features a comfortable padded seat, a lightweight aluminum frame, along with a seatbelt to secure your child. It has a sturdy footrest, a canopy, adjustable seat, comfortable handles, and even comes with a rain cover. This stroller prices in at around $70, so you are getting tons of features for a very low price.That is probably just one of the reason why this stroller is a best seller..

5) Kolkraft Tour Sport Lightweight stroller

This popular stroller rolls in at under 12 pounds and yet again comes loaded with added features. It has comfortable foam gripped handles, breathable seats, shock-absorbing swivel front wheels, has an extra-wide frame and even comes with a cup holder. This stroller costs about $60, with the low price and added features making it a strong contender for popularity in todays stroller market. Overall, its a great buy, and a great price.

By: Samia

About the Author

Posted by Unknown on 12:05 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 12:05 PM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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