Published On:2014/10/25
Posted by alialsayed
Street Children
Today we will focus the lights on Street Children, This phenomenon becomes one of the most dangerous in whole the world. So today we will ask questions and trying to find answers to it.
Who are Street Children ? , What is the history of Street Children? Their Statistics and Distribution.., What pushed them to be Street Children ? People look to them, and more questions we will discuss.
The phenomenon of street children has been documented as far back as 1848. Alan Ball, in the introduction to his book on the history of abandoned children, And Now My Soul Is Hardened: Abandoned Children in Soviet Russia, 1918–1930, states:
Street Children is victim of society we can not blame them, their societies shaped them to be thieves and criminals no one want to be evil person, all want to be good, good educated, healthy, smart ,... .Orphaned and abandoned children have been a source of misery from earliest times. They apparently accounted for most of the boy prostitutes in Augustan Rome and, a few centuries later, moved a church council of 442 in southern Gaul to declare: “Concerning abandoned children: there is general complaint that they are nowadays exposed more to dogs than to kindness.” In Tsarist Russia, seventeenth-century sources described destitute youths roaming the streets, and the phenomenon survived every attempt at eradication thereafter.
Street Children is used as a catch-all term, but covers children in a wide variety of circumstances and with a wide variety of characteristics. Policymakers and service providers struggle to describe and assist such a sub-population. Individual girls and boys of all ages are found living and working in public spaces, and are visible in the great majority of the world’s urban centers.
causes of this phenomenon are varied, but are often related to domestic, economic, or social disruption. Some people wanted somebodies as street children to be this to use them as they want . we all listen about Human Trafficking and this the way to exploit these children in their dirty .Statics
Now we live with about 100 million of street children ,according to a report from the Consortium for Street Children, a United Kingdom-based consortium of related non-governmental organizations (NGOs), they among us, 100 million children were growing up on urban streets around the world . in fact we can not account the exact number of street children but when and where you go you find their , i remember a report about poverty i read a few days ago show that 2 from 3 people earn less than 2$ or 3$ a day and this is low to make someone live good and the report mention that more than 1,600,000,000 people live in poverty around the world so i see it becomes the main factor to open the door in front of these people to be new partners in this phenomenon.According to (NGOs) in Africa there are over 250,000 you can see them in almost country and in Egypt too, in Asia over than 8 million in several countries like Pakistan, The Philippines, and more . In Europe , America there are millions of street children ,too .
Street children like air you will find them everywhere so we must help them : learn them, care their life and health . many people see them like microbe if touch, talk or deal with them they will die , change.
I, you, he, she, may be like them . We do not choose our
fates . We all want be good.