Published On:2016/01/30
Posted by Unknown

Egypt After 5 Years of 25 Jan Revolution

Egypt after 25 Jan really has not changed yet, During walking in the streets, you see the tragedy scene in all Egypt not in a specific place.
Here you will see Tears, Fears, Screaming and Death, theses are the most common things in Egypt.
During 25 January revolution, we called three things "Freedom, Social Justice and Good Live"
and now after 5 years I see no one have only one of the three, we find here Theft, Bribery and Favoritism.
Egyptian suffer from poverty and medical negligence and indifference of power, government do not care about us.

Poor In The Streets

When you walk in the street about 3 to 5 AM and you know this period nowadays is very cold and the temperatures close to zero at this time you will find man with flimsy blanket on pavements in water and dust and no one cares about him no inhabitant of this neighborhood or the government and authorities concerned, just man and you can be likened to any thing lying on the ground without feeling.
people have made bridges their homes and made a bed of cardboard and blankets cover them,
this is the poor in Egypt, no one care when you see these every day on the increase without any carelessness, Is it possible to be the reason for birth control or the lack of Egyptian culture? as claimed by our government.

Minister of Supply

I remember that when the Minister of Supply asked whether the three objectives of 25 Jan revolution have been achieved or not, especially in his ministry... 
He said, "yes all the objective of revolution have been achieved"

and commenting on this, "Live: you can buy Breed and Supply Commodities become available, Freedom: you can choose the grocer where you buy your supply commodities as well as the bakery you like, but the Social Justice: this means that everyone who have supply whether rich or the poor."!! No Comment....

Health Services

Our service is unprecedented in the world, all have the right to seek treatment for free not only people but animals as have been published a few days ago in the local newspapers "Veterinary Medicine: 3 pet treatment centers in Dakahlia" Dakahlia is one of the governorates of Egypt.

Source: Vetogate

While there are dozens die every week due to medical negligence or due to lack of beds and treatments or not to open the doors of hospitals for them, Care about animal is good thing but before you care about my pet you should care about me?

Egypt, the first worldwide in the prevalence of hepatitis virus

Also not forget the treatment kofta, one of the Egyptian inventions for the treatment of C virus.

Egypt recorded the highest prevalence of hepatitis rate in the world, and the epidemic is expected to peak soon. According to a study conducted in 2010, an estimated more than half a million people are infected with the virus for the first time each year. While the Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt estimates indicated that the number of HIV cases per year of 100 thousand people. Studies have shown that the rate of infection with hepatitis "C" inflammation in Egypt are the highest in the world, where it is equivalent to ten times higher than in Europe and America.

20 percent of people with hepatitis "C" develop flu-like symptoms disease, while the other 80 percent of people with the disease do not feel any symptoms, but the disease infection remain. Therefore, it is important to undergo tests frequently to make sure the body free of infection, especially if the patient receives the medication through the needles, which helps in the transmission of the disease infection.
Not develop liver "C" acute to chronic medical condition between 15 and 25 percent of cases, due to the name of human IL-28B gene in people who develop the disease sharply leading to the patient's sense of injury heal without the disease primarily.

It develops liver "C" acute inflammation of the 85 percent of cases become chronic. But a person chronically infected for at least 15 years may develop the infection has spread among the people around him without feeling any symptoms. But the patient begins to feel symptoms of inflammation if wounded disease in the liver. Symptoms include liver disease fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and jaundice.

Viral hepatitis "C" inflammation is the main reason for the operations of liver transplantation, because chronic inflammation leads to liver damage, and without the necessary treatment, become permanent liver injury, has some people up to the serious stage of the failure of the liver, can not be cured, but the cultivation of a new liver. In the United States, the months of the reason behind kidney failure is viral hepatitis C, patients were required to adhere to drug-inflammatory drugs after planting a new liver.

It can be infected persons infected with Hepatitis C more than once, even after recovery from it, and despite the fact that the body produces antibodies to the virus that causes the disease, but they do not protect the body from infection again.

It can be prevented from viral hepatitis "C. Inflammatory disease." Although the vaccine is available to protect against this disease, but some of the steps that limit the infection such as avoiding contact with an infected person, or participate using razor blades, and to refrain from re-use of needles used to inject drugs.

The Poverty Rate in Egypt

Increasing the suffering in Egypt day after day among poor people, some of them have no shelter, and some of them have strengthened the day of his days only, and change governments remain the crisis list, has increased dramatically after the coup in 2013, Bad to worse, where he issued Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics Saturday past, issued a statement on the occasion of the International Day for the fight against poverty, shows the increasing proportion of poor people, especially among the young layer.

The statement reveals that the proportion of poor people, according to the territories of the Republic of 49.4% of the population in rural Upper Egypt in 2012/2013 and they can not meet their basic needs of food and non-food versus 43.7% in 2008/2009, and 15.7% of the urban population of the provinces in the poor 2012/2013 versus 6.9% in the year 2008/2009.

The statement shows that 27.7% of young Egyptians in the age group "18-29 years" living in poverty, and approaching the 24.1% poverty line, representing the non-poor 48.2% for the category of the same age, and 28.8% poverty rate among children during the year 2012/2013 , This is the ratio of the highest poverty rates in the general population, poverty rates for children and grown continuously since 1999/2000 until 2012/2013, where the proportion of children living in poverty rose by 3 percentage points during the period of "1999/2000 and" 2008 / 2009 ".
Has also been monitoring the high rates also of poverty in urban areas face tribal by 29.2% and the border areas increased by 26.5%, and 11.4% of children in urban areas of the provinces of Lower Egypt is suffering from poverty, 17.4% in rural areas of the provinces of Lower Egypt, 17.9% in the regions urban.

And increasing poverty in Egypt, says Dr. Salah quality, an economist, said that the percentage of the Egyptian population below the poverty line exceeded 50%, what constitutes a real disaster, stressing that the solution to the economic problems in parallel to spend a lot of political problems.
Politically, Dr. Mahmoud Salman, a professor of political science at Cairo University, that the increase in poverty rates in Egypt due to the deteriorating economic and political situation together, he said, adding that the Egyptian government's crisis lies in putting forward many of the development plans, the implementation, and the support does not reach to those who deserve it.

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Posted by Unknown on 2:39 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 2:39 PM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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