Published On:2015/02/05
Posted by Unknown
Why women refuse to tell their real age?
Have you asked any woman before how old are you? if your answer yes, did they answered, certainly no. bot why is it embarrassing question!
Most of women believe their age is fixed, you can not change their mind, you know if you travel anywhere and meet a lady and during talking to her asked her how old are you? or how old are your son?, Now you make a big mistake and may be killed now, yea .
Now if any woman read this blog and ask her about her age she will replay "For me, that is opposite, I do tell my real age, but the problem is they REFUSE TO BELIEVE about my real age because of my appearance." trust me all, all have the same answer. and if you told her that you believe her just tell you, she will say from 25 to 35 old max although she is 40 to 55 old but how! women are women.
Once I met a woman and ask her in a nicely way how old are you?
I am early 40s, everyone say I look 20s."!
and they refuse to tell you how old their son or how many are, and if you know the fact, they tell you they married early.
her son is 20s so she is 40s when she married at 20. as 20+20=40
but they tell the sum is wrong it is 30 max or about 25 min.
and there is a different type, they will said a nice answer " A woman haven’t got a real age.A woman is as old as she looks," and explain their answer in logical and tidy manner "which depends on so many factors and include but not limited to:
1. how she takes care of herself.
2. self esteem.
3.if she is not a flirt ,her blood will not mix with many different blood immunities.
4.a good sexual life cheesy.
5.the kind of daily life she lives etc."
The third type who will tell you an answer you have not imagined it before ,you know the women have a strange answers for everything unimaginable, "I always forget how old i am, it takes me a few seconds to answer, sometimes i say the wrong age by accident and then look like a complete when i remember "i'm *****. OH NO sorry i mean i'm *****" am i losing it?"
How can this occur, you expect it! may be if they are suffering from Alzheimer's.
But not all of them. Meet so may women that told me what their age is, and they are The fourth and the last one I met who tell you the truth Whatever, they are but rare like diamond.
and many people see the women will tell you in one case if a woman is comfortable with you, she would tell you anything. may be !
Now Can Any Woman Tell Us HOW OLD ARE YOU?