Published On:2016/03/18
Posted by Unknown

7 you do not know about your husband's brain!

Always women stand in front of her husband and always wonder about how his understanding and understanding of husband's thinking,  so we show here seven things about your husband’s brain will not believe.

Memory: men and women use the memory  in a different way. Men have graphic / tactical memory while women have a big emotional memory that stores a lot of detail. So if your husband do not remember your birthday, not because he does not love you, but because his memory is programmed to memorize dates. Do you want him to remember the holiday of your birth? Forearms by enhancing pictorial memory, for example Hang image from holiday the previous birth on the wall with the date, and will never forget it.

Listening: The man used one part of the brain to listen while women use the two segments together. So if you feel that his mind is not completely agree with you, you are right. This way the minds of men and will never change. So do not talk about important things while the other is doing, such as watching TV or talking on the phone, because it will not absorb anything. Forearms by shortening important topics and long, give him headnotes or talk with him in a quiet place away from the noise.

Emotions: Studies have shown that men have strong emotional reactions are stronger than women. Men are not born unfeeling or compassion also imagine some women, however, with the style of Education learns that the man hiding his feelings. That is why sometimes we see men still have this passion because their parents or their community did not suppress their feelings. Forearms by allowing him to show his feelings without underestimating him or attempt to rule in advance that a cool sensation or harsh.

Cry: Unfortunately this scientific fact, men do not cry because they have lacrimal channels less than women, in addition to 60 percent less than prolactin, a hormone that causes the tears. Men have created a way that makes them respond to the positions of sad in a different way from women. Forearms through moral support, but better to leave him alone to summon the strength.

Testosterone: the brain of a man saturated with male hormone testosterone, which makes it a fierce competitor and strong, while women have a hormone serotonin Pacific.

Pain: women feel pain more than men because of the nature of their bodies, while men respond to pain in an analytical way women respond to emotional way.

Self-defense: You guys have a special nerve cells that detects its environment and challenges that surround it, it is expected the risks inherent in a way, that's always find it determines the power line defense zone is any infringement of his area a threat to him personally. Unlike women who do not determine their their own area.

By: Samia

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Posted by Unknown on 11:42 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 11:42 PM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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