Published On:2016/02/03
Posted by Unknown
You Are a Criminal If U Have Tattoo
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Tattoo is a Crime in Australia |
Believe or Not You Are Criminal If U’ve Tattoo
Recently in Australia we have seen fascist rebirth of imperialistic thought patterns being nurtured and enforced as draconian laws by both extreme right wing Labor & Liberal parties and our police force. It appears they are working hand in hand with one another, passing the dollars back and forth among their aristocratic elite supporters/funders to create an ‘Australia’ that is representative of them in a New World Order/Global form that they feel best represents the mindset of the blood, sweat and tears paid to them in taxes of the bread and butter battler, the underdog of the elite classes; The low income and working class Australian. All in the while, taking those taxes but creating an Australia that only ensures the survival at the top of the food chain of the aristocratic corporate elite.
One such draconian epidemic being wielded as a death blow is the Australian Government’s, both State and Federal, continual lying out of laws and media propaganda regarding tattoos and tattoo parlours. This started with Mike Rann in South Australia under his Serious Organised Crime Act and was further impacted through the Liberal National Party (LNP) and its VLAD Laws under now Ex-Premier Campbell Newman & Ex-Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie. These two men took tattoo laws to an all-time extreme insisting that all tattoo parlours be licensed, and these licenses would be issued based upon Government & Police discretion as to whether the person applying for the license was of good character or not. Along with this new licensing system that has seen and continues to see many hard working Australians lose their livelihoods, was the added blow that all new tattoos given to clients are to be photographed and registered so as to create a ‘National Database’ of tattooed people. These extreme laws under Queensland’s VLAD are now being introduced in South Australia as an added extreme to their already existing laws.
The Government, Police with support of its bought and paid for mainstream media, have been portraying themselves as pure white witches, burning their sage smudging sticks to keep creating their so called cleansing smokescreen, to keep the propaganda alive that all these laws are to stamp out the alleged ‘…Big Bad Bikies…’ Without digressing into the fascist regime that is Anti-Association Laws, Consorting Laws, VLAD and so on and so on, there is one gigantic honest factor amid the smoke that is not being relayed to the Australian public.
Young Couple Had Taser Pulled On Them In Queensland Because Of Neck Tattoo
Factually, yes, many tattoo studios are owned and ran by people who are and/or affiliated with Motorcycle Clubs. Is this something new? The answer is, “No”. Historically tattoo parlours are owned by members of clubs because back in the 70s & 80s when the down to earth lifestyle of freedom and not being a sheep and slave to the system was paramount to most Australians, bike clubs were at the forefront of living a free lifestyle and being tattooed. Many of the blokes that commenced bike clubs throughout the United States of America & Australia were often return veterans from war and due to a lack of care and provision for both their physical and mental health by those that should have given a damn, the very governments’ who sent them into war, they sought out each other and turned their backs on society because society had turned their backs on them. This is an incredible grass root explanation as from where motorcycle clubs were birthed. With the birth of AIDS/HIV during the 80s and its mass global epidemic , something happened within the tattoo industry that has never been spoken about out loud, nor responsibly recognised by our Government; The tattoo industry throughout Australia, ‘Self-Regulated’.
Without Government interference, licensing and pompous arrogant laws, the Australian Tattoo Industry, with all its alleged “big bad outlaw bikies”, has created one of the safest, cleanest most reputable tattoo industry’s in the world! The Australian Tattoo Industry had eliminated back yard scratchers and became their own harshest yet dedicated conformists to safety standards and hygiene to the point of decimating communicable disease from their industry. Since the inception of draconian laws targeting the Australian Tattoo Industry, we can see with absolute clarity which coven is the loving white witch and which is the darkest soul of the other. This clarity comes, with the rebirth and resurgence of back yard scratchers and those that have self-regulated and been professionally bound by the code they created for the industry, be ripped from their shops, their businesses and their livelihoods. In cold hard fact, the Australian Government will and probably already does have blood on its hands in regard to this stance creating scratchers and no hygiene control thus knowingly through their laws, albeit through third party are now responsible for a new generation of HIV infected Australians.
Consequently, this brings me to the matter of the laws in Queensland and possibly soon in South Australia, that all tattoos must be photographed and registered to a ‘National Tattoo Database’. This readers, is where I should probably apologise with forethought the absolute venom and distaste I feel about this data base pouring out, however, I will store that apology as not being needed, as I feel that a majority of Australians will understand my ire. Before I can insert a witty Julia Gillard type, “…Going forward” analogy, we must go back into the significant history of tattoos.
How many readers are aware that tattoos date back as far as Neolithic times? For the purposes of a history lesson, Neolithic is the period of time approximately 10,200BC to 4500BC-2000BC. In layman terms, Neolithic is the last part of the Stone Age. Are you shocked or surprised? Did you think tattoos only dated back as far as Maori warriors and this modern age has seen its return? You would be wrong; the oldest evidence of tattooed skin is from South America approximately 6000BC found on the Chinchorro Mummy.
Police Taser Drawn On Man With Neck Tattoo
The government would want you to believe that only criminals have tattoos, why else would they want to create a national data base. Yet the simple honest truth, the true history is that tattoos have played a dominant part in all cultures, globally for many thousands of years. Tattoos have played integral roles of rituals of affliction, celebration and other cultural significance. Let’s get the facts right out in the open here, a majority of people, and I think the government for sure, believe that tattoos only belonged to ‘barbaric tribes’, ‘cannibals’. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ancient Egypt; Pazyrk Culture Russia; Pre-Christian Germanic; Celtic; Several Central & Northern European countries and tribes were heavily tattooed. The Picts of Scotland were tattooed. For f**ks sake even Otzi the Iceman was tattooed.
At what point Australia did we go soft on our human rights to allow a government, the people we elect to represent us to decide that there would no longer be a ‘Separation of Powers’ and an Australian can be deemed a criminal based merely on who they hang around with or how they look? My understanding of our constitution is that we had to be arrested on evidence and/or reasonable suspicion of being in the act of committing a crime, and even then, until we have faced an Australian court, we are innocent until proven guilty in that court. Can you remember when we voted that this was no longer our democratic right? Can you remember a referendum being given to the Australian people that asked them if Government and Police could have judiciary power over our courts of law? At what point as a tax paying Australian, did you hand over your innocence to our elected politicians to toy with at their whim? When did you decide as a country that having tattoos made you criminals?
Tattooed people are not criminals! Tattooists are not criminals! Tattoos are a significant part of our inherited cultures worldwide. Tattoos have always been a part of us for whatever diverse reasons and cultural significance. As a global entity of humanity, we must make a stand against the propaganda our politicians’ continuously feed through to us via mainstream media. We must demand an end to laws that create criminals upon the nod of a police officer! I don’t recall signing up for Judge Dredd to be a reality and no longer a fantasy movie. And I definitely do not recall how I, being a heavily tattooed educated woman, elected to be tarred as a criminal based upon my tattoos.
As a united front Australia, we must make every effort to thwart our Government and law enforcement from this spoiled brat, grandiose elite mission they are on to belt blue collar Australians, create criminals for their privatised gaols and the incessant social engineering through policy and media to pit Aussie against Aussie, judging one another’s right to choose their own lifestyle and associates. Until such time that we do say enough is enough, our children, our grandchildren and great grandchildren will never ever know neither their real history nor the simple joy of freedom and choice. I plead with you Australia, to be just as offended at the disrespect and slurs placed upon just about every culture and their traditions, throughout history, throughout our world!
Not only is the Government's stance an annihilation of human rights, but it is also a racist and cultural slur upon just about every race and their inherited traditions on the planet. Tattooed people are not criminals, tattooed people do not belong listed on national data bases. Tattooed people are people from all walks of life, varied socio-economic backgrounds, and are educated and functional human beings. The Government and their spin machine is out of line and as a people we should demand they cease and desist from persecuting people who are doing nothing other than adhering to ancient cultural practices and traditions, passed down from our Stone Age ancestors.