Many turn the contraindications regular contraception pills, and IUDs, and other barriers that numerous and varied a great variety, however, the health exposing, and their side effects on women's health is still not completely clear-cut, and are not guaranteed 100%, and often surprises occur despite the use.
Every woman wants to maintain her health criticism these natural ways that help to postpone pregnancy:
اقرأ عن أعراض التبويض وما هي افضل الأوقات للتبويض؟هنا
1. counting method or account for the delay pregnancy
This method requires that the menstrual cycle regular, and are counting from the first day of the menstrual cycle to the fourteenth day, from this day, any mid-cycle will be the enrichment stage in women, which should be avoided during the sexual relationship, and lasts a period of 5 days by phase and 5 days later, but this method is not considered 100% safe, and pregnancy is caused by an error in counting or disturbances in the menstrual cycle.
2. insulation method of contraception
This method is related to the man in particular, is that insulates the man semen for women, and have it out with slander and have it within a few days of enrichment.
By: Samia