Published On:2014/06/26
Posted by alialsayed
Eli He
Eli Wallach
He play an important role to make his name with gold like stars .
He was born on December 7,1915 in Brooklny , New York City ,USA
He played about 80 films over his life , he did not found an appreciate at first when he acted his first film but after that he could make his history and mark it .
" The God , the Bad and the Ugly " was a distinction it change his life and the cinema history . He could play more and different role with professional .
" He was as wonderful a person as he was an actor . He will be missed " said Robert De Niro
Wallach began his career in the 50s , He could make his history quickly with hard work and golden roles
we can not for it .
He tried to learn more about act and did not stop at his talent , he was a good example we have .