
لماذا فضلت العارضة التركية الموت انتحارا عارية!

Posted by Unknown | 2016/04/11 | Posted in

جولاب يورسالي عارضة الازياء التركية 
هل تظنِ ان  محاولة من البعض لاغتصاب امرأة قد تدفعها للانتحار رفضا وهروبا من الاغتصاب! فهذا ما حدث بالضبط مع عارضة الازياء التركية جولاب يورسالي؟
اقرأ أيضا قضية الإغتصاب
 فضلت عارضة الأزياء التركية، جولاب يورسالي، الانتحار بإلقاء نفسها عارية من شرفة إحدى البنايات بمدينة  إسطنبول، لتفادي محاولة اغتصاب جماعية.
وقالت صحيفة "ديلي ستار" التركية إن بورسالي البالغة من العمر 20 عاما، خلال ذهابها مع حبيبها لبيت مستأجر لقضاء العطلة الأسبوعية، فوجئت بالوكيل العقاري موجود داخل المنزل، بحجة إحضار بعض الأغراض، وكان مصطحبا شخص آخر، مقررين اغتصابها هم الاثنين.
المكان الذي انتحرت منه بورسالي
وأضافت الصحيفة التركية أن الشخصين قاما باحتجاز صديق بورسالي، ثم نزعا ملابسها، إلا أنها هربت إلى الشرفة عارية، مهددة بإلقاء نفسها، إذا اقتربوا، ولإصرارهم على اغتصابها واقترابهم منها، ألقت بنفسها من أعلى البناية.
وأشارت الصحيفة التركية إلى أن الشرطة، قامت باستجواب صديق القتيلة، مع استمرار التحريات للوصول للجناة، الذين لاذوا بالفرار فور جريمتهم.
كتبت: سامية                                                                    المصدر: نصف الدنيا

متى تتناول إفطارك؟ وما هو إفطارك؟

Posted by Unknown | | Posted in

سأتحدث اليوم عن وجبة الافطار! لعلك قرأت الكثير من المقالات والمواضيع التي تكثر فيها فوائد وجبة افطارك واهميته الكبيرة لك وليومك كله لانه حقيقة الاساس الذي تعتمد عليه طوال اليوم.
فوائد وجبة الافطار
ولكن اذا تطرقت الى فوائد هذه الوجبة التي لا تستطيع ان تقطي نهارك دونها بلا شك سنجد ان فوائدها أكثر مما نتخيل إذ يمكننا تلخيص بعضها في النقاط الاتية:

  • الإفطار= نشاط
افطارك يعني لك الكثير اذ يعتبر مصدر الطاقة التي تجعلك تؤدي مهامك الصباحية بشكل يمتاز بالحيوية ويبتعد عن الجمود والبلادة.

  • لا فطور= عصبية 
هل تعلم ان احد اسباب توترك وشعورك بالعصبية وعدم الارتياحية سواء في عملك او حتى اثناء معاملتك مع من حولك؛ لذا بلا شك ان فطارك يجعلك تشعر بالهدوء.
  • ماذا تحتوي وجبة إفطارك؟
بما ان فطورك المصدر الرئيسي لك طوال الفترة الصباحية لذا يجب ان يتنوع بمصادر غذائية هامة ويمكنك تسليط الضوء على بعض الاغذية التي ستساعدك على تأدية نشاطك الجسماني والعقلي على الوجه الاكمل. لذا يجب ان تضم وجبتك الفواكه والحليب والبيض والجبن وبعض من السكريات.
  • أطفال بلا إفطار يعني جسم بلا عقل
نتفق الان انا وانت على اهمية هذه الوجبة لك فما بالك بالنسبة لطفلك او ابنك الذي هو الاكثر احتياجا لها، فبسبب طبيعة الحياة التي اخذنا نعيشها والتي تتسم بالسرعة فيرفض اطفالنا تناولها لذا احرص على ان تكون انت اول من يجلس ويبدأ بالفطور وبادر بدعوتهم للافطار، فكن القدوة لهم.
  • ترك الفطور يسبب لك السمنة!
ربما لن تصدق هذا اذا علمت ان تفويتك لوجبة افطارك ستزيدك المزيد من الوزن؟! 
والسبب وراء هذا هو انك عند عدم حصولك على وجبه الافطار سيزيد شعورك بالجوع خاصة عند وقت الغداء او العشاء وهو ما يجعلك تأكل أكثر مما هو المفروض وهو الامر الذي سيكسبك المزيد من الوزن.
  • تنظيم الأنسولين في الدم
 يساعد الإفطار على تنظيم معدلات الأنسولين في الدم بطريقة آليه في الجسم وبشكل أفضل.
  • صحة وجسم أفضل احرص على الافطار
اثبتت الابحاث والدراسات انك شتكون بصحة افضل وبنشاط وذاكرة جيدة اذا تناولت فطورك بشكل جيد ومنتظم وعلى ان يكون متوازن.
  • الحفاظ على وزنك
بما ان عدم الافطار يعرضك لمشاكل السمنة اذا حرصك على وجبة الافطار تعني لك الحصول على جسم صحي وكذلك عقل سليم.
  • يحسن عملية الأيض
إن تفويت وجبة الإفطار في الصباح تؤدي إلى خلل في عملية التمثيل الغذائي للجسم مما تسبب زيادة كبيرة في الوزن.

وبالعودة مرة اخرى الى عنواننا (متى تتناول إفطارك؟ وما هو إفطارك؟) يمكنني طرحه عليك ثانية ولكن هذه المرة ليس كما ناقشته معك سابقا! 

اذ انه كان احد الاسئلة التي جاءت في ورقة امتحان لاحد الصفوف الابتدائية والتي جاءت على هذا النمط...(متى تتناول إفطارك؟،ولماذا تفطر؟،وما هو إفطارك؟) 
هذا بالضبط ما جاء للطلاب والذين اجاب اغلبيتهم بالاجابة التي تم تدريبهم على حفظها من الكتب المدرسية حتى وان كانت تختلف تمام الاختلاف مع واقع حياتهم، فاجابوا انهم يتناولون وجبة الافطار في الساعة الثامنة صباحا (مع العلم انهم في هذا الوقت بالتحديد يكونوا في مدارسهم)، وكتبوا انهم يتناولون الجبن والبيض على الرغم من ان معظمهم لم يتناولن الجبن والبيض منذ فترة طويلة والفول المدمس هو افطارهم الرئيسي، ورغم هذا حصل غالبيتهم على الدرجات النهائية على اجاباتهم، الا طالب واحد اجاب غير ذلك فاجاب عن السؤال عن حياته الشخصية فقال: (انا لا اتناول طعام الافطار) فحصل على صفر لانه لم يجب عن باقي اجزاء السؤال، مع انه الوحيد الذي اجاب الاجابة الحقيقة الواقعية بالنسبة له، وعندما عرضوا هذه الحالة على احد كبار رجال الفكر والتربية قال: ( لقد اعطيتم معظم التلاميذ درجة السؤال: لأنهم اتقنوا الحفظ واهملوا التفكير، وخرمتم هذا التلميذ من درجة السؤال؛ لانه استخدم عقله، ورفض استخدام اسلوب الحفظ والتلقين!).
  • يتصور بعض الناس ان الحفظ والتلقين اسلم من التفكير....فالى اي مدى تتفق او تختلف مع هذا التصور..ادعم رأيك بامثلة..

  • والان يمكنك ان تجيب انت على هذا السؤال وسأنتظر أجابتك!

كتبت: سامية

Colon Cancer

Posted by Unknown | 2016/04/08 | Posted in

Most people who are infected with colon cancer do not show any symptoms they have in the early stages of the disease. When colon cancer symptoms begin to appear, they vary from case to case, and be linked to tumor size and location within the colon.
Since colon cancer is becoming more prevalent cancers where colon cancer is the third most common types of cancer in the world, More than 1.5 million new infections a year, it becomes more dangerous once it is detected in late and it becomes very difficult to treat.
In This Article
  • Symptoms of colon cancer
  • The causes of colon cancer
  • The diagnosis of colon cancer
  • How stool refers to colon cancer?
  • The treatment of colon cancer
  • Prevention of colon cancer
  • 2 cups of coffee a day minimizes risk of colon cancer

May include symptoms of colon cancer include:

  • Changes in the activity of natural and normal intestine, manifested: diarrhea, constipation or changes in view of the stool and frequency of defecation, lasts for more than two weeks
  • Bleeding from the anus or the appearance of blood in the stool
  • Tightness in the abdominal area, reflected in: cramps (colic), gaseous swelling and pain
  • highlights accompanied by sorrows in the abdomen
  • Symptoms of colon cancer is also accompanied by a feeling that the stool was not emptied the bowel
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Loss is not justified in weight
The presence of blood in the stool can indicate the presence of a cancerous tumor, but it can also refer to a variety of other health problems. If the blood red color of pale, can be seen on the toilet paper, the more likely source is Hemorrhoids (Piles / Hemorrhoids) or perhaps anal fissure (rip / crack in the anus - Anal fissure).

In addition, certain types of foods, such as beets or red licorice, may make the stool color red.
The iron alternatives (medicines that contain iron) and some types of drugs used to treat diarrhea, it is possible that the color of the stool turned to Black. But this does not imply the presence of symptoms of colon cancer.

However, despite all that is said, it is strongly advised to inspect any sign of bleeding (blood) in the stool, in a comprehensive and accurate, by the physician, because the presence of blood in the stool can indicate, in some cases, to more serious illness.

The causes and risk factors for colon cancer

Colon cancer consists, in general, when it gets a change in a group of healthy cells. Healthy cells grow and divide on a regular basis and coordinated with a view to the possibility of the body work and carry out his duties granted, normal and healthy. But cell growth and division process out of control, in some cases, continuing its cells divide and multiply even without that there will be a need for such a large number of cells. This excessive increase in the number (quantity) of cells in the colon and rectum area could be accompanied by the production of potential carcinogenesis cells (Precancerous) inside the colon inner casing.

During a very long period of time - it can reach up to several years - could spare some of these cells turn into cancer. In advanced stages of colon cancer, colon cancer can penetrate the wall of the colon and is spreading (Metastasis) to nearby lymph nodes or to other internal organs. As is the case in all types of cancer, there is still the real reason to be careful of colon cancer is not known, yet

pre-cancerous tumors (potential carcinogenesis - Precancerous) in the colon:

pre-cancerous tumors can arise anywhere along the colon, the muscular tube that forms the last part of the digestive tract. Colon consists of 120-150 cm at the top, called the "intestines", while as a "straight" (Rectum) of - 15 centimeters recent ones.

pre-cancerous tumors appear, often in the form of a block of cells (descendants / polyps - polypi) stand out from the wall of the colon. And show these descendants, sometimes, the mushroom shape. It can for these pre-cancerous tumors that show, too, as a spot flat, flat, or a cavity in the wall of the colon. This is a complex type of hand revealing, because it is very rare.

There are several types of polyps in the colon, including:

  • Adenoma (Adenoma): This type of liquid is the owner of the biggest possibilities of turning into cancer (or tumor), and are excised and removed, usually, through tests, such as screening colonoscopy (Colonoscopy) or sigmoidoscopy (Sigmoidoscopy)
  • (Hyperplastic polyps: This type of polyps is very rare, and is not a, usually, to be ground and the development of colon cancer.
  • nflammatory polyps: These polyps can be formed as a result of inflammation of the colon festering (or: colitis - Ulcerative Colitis). Some of these inflammatory polyps can turn cancerous. So, if someone is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease ulcerative there is a potential risk that the disease infected colon cancer.

Factors that can affect the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer include:

  • Age: about 90% of people who have been diagnosed with colon cancer are over the age of 50 years
  • Medical history: whether he was referring to the emergence of polyps in the colon or rectum
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Genetic abnormalities have an effect on colon: genetic syndromes transmitted in the family from generation to generation can increase the risk of developing colon cancer. These syndromes are responsible for 5% of all cases of colon cancer. One of these genetic syndromes called polyposis family glandular tumor (Familial adenomatous polyposis - FAP), a rare cause the emergence of thousands of polyps in the intestinal walls inside the rectum syndrome.
People with FAP syndrome is processed without increasing their risk of disease, colon cancer, until they reach the age of 45 years, by more than 90%. Another syndrome is Lynch syndrome (Lynch syndrome) - or: HNPCC - which is more prevalent than FAP syndrome. People with HNPCC syndrome are more likely to develop colon cancer at an early age. These Almtlazeman, FAP and HNPCC, can be detected by genetic testing them. If family history refers to the injury of a family member in one of the two twin, it is necessary to inform your physician and find him in the necessary tests are conducted and submit it.
  • Family history: If they are in the family from previous injuries, disease, colon cancer or bowel or colon Bslail
  • Diet: colorectal cancer may be linked to low dietary fiber or high in fat and calories
  • Physical activity: lack of, or lack of, the practice of physical activity
  • Diabetes
  • obesity
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol: excessive quantities of alcohol can increase the risk of developing colon cancer
  • Disorders of growth hormone
  • Radiation treatments for cancer

The diagnosis of colon cancer

Conducting routine tests for the detection of colon cancer is the favorite and is recommended from the age of 50 years for all the people who could be in the list of people at risk of colon cancer. There are several tests - each with its own pros and cons. It is important to talk with your physician about the options available to each person to be a joint decision about any of these tests is the most convenient in-kind situation.

There are several options for colonoscopy:

● annual examination for the detection of occult blood in the stool
● examination of DNA (DNA) in the stool - although it is not yet clear how much time one has to wait for the examination and the following
● examination of laparoscopic sigmoid (sigmoidoscopy) - once every 5 years
● examination double contrast injection (Double contrast enema) - once every 5 years
● colonoscopy (colonoscopy) - once every 10 years
● virtual colonoscopy (Virtual colonoscopy) - once every 5 years

Most types of colon cancer is generated and the evolution of polyps (polyps) adenocarcinoma. The survey process that can reveal polyps, even before they turn into cancer cells. It can also help, too, in the detection of colon cancer during the early stages when cure ratio is still too high.

Tests for the detection and diagnosis of colon cancer may also include the following:

  • Occult blood test: This test examines stool sample
  • Deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA-from stool specimens: This test covers several nucleic acid analysis is originating cells were produced by the descendants of pre-cancer into the stool
  • Sigmoidoscopy: is to examine the internal parts of the colon. In this test, the doctor uses a light flexible tube to inspect the colon from the inside for a distance of up to about 60 centimeters inside the colon
  • Barium enema: This test allows the doctor examine the colon with the help of X-rays (rays Rntjn - X - ray). The barium is a pigment (Pigment) reflector be admitted to the colon by enema
  • Colonoscopy (Colonoscopy): This test is similar to a large extent to examine sigmoidoscopy, but the tool used in the colonoscopy is a long hose, tight and flexible belted with a video camera and screen allows the physician preview of the colon and rectum, the Toulhma, thereby detecting colon cancer.
  • Virtual colonoscopy-Arthroscopy by computed tomography device (Computed Tomography - CT): Although this examination is available in all medical centers, but it is an important one for scanning and imaging option. This test uses computed tomography system (CT) for the production of photographic plates of the colon, rather than the use of equipment that is inserted into the intestine through the anal opening.

Detection of cancer of the form of stool

A report recently published by the newspaper "Daily Mail" the British that there are some symptoms of human feces and indicate higher chances of suffering from colon cancer, most notably losing stool hardness and it becomes in a liquid state, and despite the fact that some people may become infected this offer on a temporary basis, However, the continued for a period of longer than 3 weeks may indicate colon cancer, you should consult a doctor immediately. The report warned of another case where a person may be infected with colon cancer without knowing it, the appearance of drops of blood with red color bright, and sometimes it's the color red stool dark, and other symptoms of colon cancer: a decrease in the weight has no apparent reason, and also feeling tired and fatigue severe without reason. The report added that there is a set of tips that reduce the risk of colon cancer, and include the reduction of alcohol and fried potatoes, and sweets and high-fat meat, must also be a lot of fish, vegetables and fruits, whole grain intake.

Stages of the development of colon cancer:  

After confirmation the diagnosis of disease, colon cancer, being physician several tests to assess the degree of the disease or the extent of cancer in the body. And helps calibrator colon cancer to determine the quality and method of treatment best suited and most beneficial.

Evaluation of the progress of the disease tests also include CT imaging of the abdominal cavity (Abdominal cavity) or X-ray imaging of the chest area. 
Stages of colon cancer are offered according to the following:

Phase 0 (zero) - the cancerous tumor is still in its initial stages. Colon cancer did not sleep or spread, yet, out of the inner lining (mucosa) of the colon or rectum. At this point it can be described as a cancer metastasis (Carcinoma) local.

Phase 1 (first) - the cancerous tumor had grown and spread to the outside of the lining of the colon, but he did not move to the outside wall of the colon or rectum, after.

Phase 2 (second) - the cancerous tumor had grown, spread and cut through the wall of the colon or rectum, but has yet to nearby lymph nodes move.

Phase 3 (Third) - cancerous tumor had grown, spread and arrived in neighboring lymph nodes, but it does not affect the other organs in the body, yet.

Stage 4 (fourth) - the cancerous tumor had grown and spread widely in the body, for example, have been moved to another, such as the liver or lungs, internal organs, or to the membrane that encases the abdominal cavity, or to one of the ovaries (in women).

Tumor reappear, again and again - this means that the cancer has reappeared after treatment. There is a possibility that the re-emergence of cancer inside the colon, rectum or in any other member of the body.

Treatment of colon cancer

Respect to the treatment of colon cancer, which could be recommended by the physician, to a large extent, stage reached by the type of cancer.

The three main types of treatment are: surgical treatment, chemical treatment and radiotherapy.
Surgery is considered for colectomy key solution to address colon cancer.
As for the size of the part that will be excised (removed) from the colon during the surgery, or whether there was a kind of therapeutic extra Other, Kalmaaljh radiological, chemical, constitute an appropriate solution for this patient or that related to several factors including: location of the tumor is cancerous, the depth at which drilled (breached) in the wall of the colon cancer and whether the cancer has moved (the outbreak) to lymph nodes or other internal organs in the body.
Surgical procedures
The surgeon will remove part of the colon that contains the cancer, along with extra edges of the healthy tissues surrounding it from all sides, so as to ensure the removal of the cancerous tumor all, completely. In addition, they are usually, too, the removal of lymph glands located next to the large intestine in order to be previewed and inspected to make sure there are no more cancer cells in them. The surgeon can usually reconnect the healthy remainder of the colon with the rectum.
If this is not possible (if the tumor is located at the end of the colon, for example) may be needed to Vgrh (Stoma), temporarily or permanently. Vgrh is opened in the wall of the colon and conveying to them a special bag Plots droppings and secretions in the intestines to him. This Alfgrh may be temporary, sometimes, in order to assist intestine and rectum on the recovery and healing after surgery. However, you may be needed in other times, to keep open a Alfgrh Dim.
Surgery for cancer prevention
In some very rare cases, such as the existence of genetic factors, such as the descendants of glandular tumor syndrome, or syndromes, inflammatory bowel, such as ulcerative colitis, a specialist tumors are advised, on the whole, to eradicate entirely of the colon and rectum removed on Tuesday completely, so as to prevent the emergence of cancerous tumors in them, in the future .
Surgery for early stages of cancer
If the tumor is small in size, and are stationed inside a descendant in the initial stage of evolution very early, registered the surgeon to remove the entire tumor during screening colonoscopy. But if the tests showed that the tumor is not found in polyps base - the location where the polyps linked to colon wall - it is very likely that he has been the removal of the cancerous tumor completely.
Surgery for advanced stages of colon cancer
If the cancer has reached a very advanced stage, or if the public health situation is dire and the weak, the best solution may be, perhaps, surgery to open a blockage in the colon, which alleviates the symptoms that cause distress and suffering.

Two cups of coffee a day minimizes risk of cancer, "colon"

A recent US study showed that eating a cup to two cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of cancer, "colon", and the greater the number of cups of coffee reduced the risk of infection by larger amounts.

The researchers said cancer of the University of Southern California Center of America, said that all types of coffee contain compounds limit the growth of colon cancer cells, and published their findings Friday in the journal "American Association for Cancer Research."

To test the effect of coffee in the reduction of colorectal cancer, the researchers tracked the case of more than five thousand and 100, of the men and women who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer, within 6 months of injury, in addition to
Track the status of four thousand men and women who did not have the disease.

And monitoring of the research team, the daily consumption of coffee all kinds of participants in the study, the questionnaire contained information on many other factors that affect the risk of colorectal cancer, including family history of cancer, diet, physical activity and smoking.

The data showed that moderate consumption of coffee which a cup to two cups of coffee a day was associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer by 26%, after controlling for other risk such as nutritional programs, physical activity and smoking factors.

The researchers found that eating one and a half cups of coffee a day, was associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer by as much as 50%, and that was with all kinds of coffee, whether caffeinated Owalkhalah them.

And the secret to that, the researchers said that coffee contains many elements that contribute to improving the efficiency of the colon and rectum, which contain protective properties Kalcavien and substance "polyphenols", which can act as antioxidants, and limit the potential for colon cancer cell growth, and strengthen defenses the body against disease.

He said research team leader Dr. Stephen Gruber, director of the Cancer Center of the University of Southern California "We found that the greater the amount of coffee, which covered people decreased their risk of colorectal cancer."

According to the American Cancer Society, the colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States, it affects more than 95 thousand new cases per year and is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.

Prevention of colon cancer

Lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of injury:
There are many steps that one can take to reduce the risk of colon cancer, and so by making some changes in his lifestyle, including:

● Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains
● reduction of fat, especially saturated fat
● follow a balanced and varied diet in order to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals needed by the body
● reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages
● Stop smoking
● physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight

You should consult your doctor about medications that can be taken to reduce the risk of exposure to the disease.

It has been demonstrated that there are certain medications reduce the likelihood of the emergence of the descendants of pre-cancer or colon cancer. In any case, we do not have enough evidence to permit recommendation to take these drugs for people who are at risk of injury colon cancer:

● aspirin (Aspirin)
● medicines to Asteroydah anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS) but not aspirin
● Celebrex (Celebrex)

By: Samia

قضية الاغتصاب

Posted by alialsayed | 2016/04/07 | Posted in

الاغتصاب هذه الكلمة تعني الكثير بالنسبة للنساء كافة بلا اي تحديد لسن او مجتمع او دين فالكل يراها من ابشع واقبح الالفاظ وانكرها الافعال التي لا يجوز ان يتصف بها اي بشري فقد تدنو الى الحيوانية اكثر من الادمية.

الاغتصاب في اللغة يعني "اخذ الشئ عنوة وعنفا دون وجه حق اي لا يكون لك الشئ وتنتزعه من صاحبه دون مبرر" ولا يقف المعنى عند حد او فعل محدد فقد شمل كل من سرقة ارض او ملك الى ان امتد الى الاغتصاب الجنسي الذي اصبح الاكثر شيوعا في العالم؛ وعليه فكلمة اغتصاب تعني ممارسة الجنس شخص دون رضاه باستخدام احد انواع القوة او شكل من اشكال الترهيب؛ لذا يعتبر العالم الاغتصاب هو احد اكثر الجرائم بشاعة في الانسانية كالقتل.

لا يمكننا اعتبار الاغتصاب كلمة عادية لانه لا ينتهي بمجرد انتهاء الجريمة فالغالب انه ينتهي فقط عند الجاني لا المجني عليه الذي يشعر بانه انتهى فعليا فلم يعد له القدرة على مزاولة حياته الطبيعية بشكل سليم وطبيعي كما كان عليه قبلها.
تفسير علم النفس للاغتصاب
يرى البعض من علماء النفس ان الغالبية من الرجال الذين يقومون بالاغتصاب يقومون بها فقط من باب العدوانية وكرههم للمجتمع المحيط بهم او ربما من وجود حزازة بينهم وبين الجنس الاخر (النساء) لسبب او لاخر اذ يكمن عند الكثير من المغتصبين مشاعر الكره والحقد من النساء الذين يمثلون لهم ذكريات من الماضي يودون محيها بل ققد يتجاوز الامر الى مرحلة الانتقام.
وقد يريد المغتصب ان يثبت شئ ما لنفسه او لهن (المغتصبات) وهو انه قادر على اذلالهن او وضعهن تحت سيطرته. 
وفي الجهة الاخرى سنجد ان البعض الاخر وهم القلة يقومون بالاغتصاب بقصد المتعة الجنسية التي تصاحب الحالة فقط.
4 أماكن يجب تجنبها أثناء الممارسة الحميمية
وقد يلجأ البعض الى الاغتصاب من اجل الاذلال فقط لا اكثر حتى انه يتجنب ممارسة العملية الجنسية فيقوم بفض عذرية الفتاة بواسطة جسم غريب وهذا من اجل اذلالهن او اخضاعهن وتيتعمل هذه الطريقة في حالات الخطف والتعذيب وكذلك لاسيرات في الحروب.
وهذا ما يسمى ب الافتضاض العذاري: وهو اجبار الفتاة بالقوة على فض عذريتها.

 يؤدي الافتضاض العذاري عادة إلى إصابات وجروح بالغة لدى الضحية، بالإضافة إلى أزمة نفسية قد لا تتعافى منها الضحية إلا بعد وقت طويل وبمساعدة الاخصائيين النفسيين.

وهذا الانفوجرافيك يوضح وضع النساء في العالم العربي ومدى استغالهن جنسيا
Sexual exploitation of women in the Arab world

التشريعات الدولية 

والان وبعد سنوات من تكتم اخذ العالم يسلط الاضواء على القضية الى ان وضع تشريعات صارمة وتفعيل لها والتي لم تتهاون الكثير من الدول على تنفيذ اشد العقوبات والتي تصل في بعض الدول الاوروبية والولايات المتحدة الامريكية الى السجن من 5 الى 15 عام بل وقد تزيد في بعض الدول التي اخذت تجرم هذه الجريمة وتصفها بالابشع وتقارنها بالقتل على حد سواء الى ان وصلت عقوبة بعضها الى الاعدام، فاخذ العالم كله يقف ضد هذه الجريمة التي اصبحت غولا ينهش في بناتنا وسيدات العالم لا يفرق بين احد.

الهند وقضايا الاغتصاب

الاغتصاب في الهند
لم يعهد عن الهند من قبل انها بلد للجريمة (الاغتصاب) غير في هذه السنوات الاخيرة التي تصاعدت فيها صيحات المجتمع مع صرخات المعتدى عليهن والمتضامين معهن في الهند بعدما اصبح الوضع خارجا عن المألوف اذ تعدى الامر من حيث انه ظاهرة الى ان اصبح وضعا وجزء من المجتمع الهندي فكما ورد في "سكاي نيوز" خبر بعنوان 
"وفاة ضحية اغتصاب بعد 42 عاما من الغيبوبة" والذي نقلت فيه ...

توفيت ممرضة من مدينة مومباي الهندية، كانت في غيبوبة لمدة 42 عاما، جراء اغتصابها أثناء عملها في المستشفى، وفقا لما أعلنته مصادر طبية، الاثنين.
وأصيبت أرونا شانبوغ بتلف في الدماغ، ودخلت في حالة غيبوبة، بعدما اغتصبها عامل بمستشفى عام 1973، وحاول خنقها بيديه.

وقالت المشرفة الطبية بمستشفى الملك إدوارد في مومباي، برافين بانغار، إن حالة شانبوغ شخصت بأنها التهاب رئوي، ووضعت على نظام دعم الحياة، في الأيام القليلة الماضية.

وأثارت قضية شانبوغ جدلا بشأن قوانين القتل الرحيم في الهند، بعدما التمس محام من مومباي من المحكمة إصدار قرار بوقف نظام الإطعام الإجباري عبر أنبوب، حتى لا تطول معاناتها.

فيما عارضت زميلاتها الممرضات هذا الأمر، وظللن يتناوبن على رعايتها لأكثر من أربعة عقود.
الإغتصاب وأرقام
فكما ذكر مكتب الامم المتحدة لمكافحة الجريمة  ان معدلا ت الاغتصاب في هذه البلدان هي الاكثر عن غيرها
وهذا المخطط يبين اهم الدول التي حلت في المراكز العشر الأولى:
فهذا المخطط الذي يوضح اكثر الدول في معدلات الاغتصاب لعام 2012، والتي استندت في اساسها على المحاضر الرسمية والتبليغ لدى الشرطة، وحالات الاغتصاب التي لم يتم الإبلاغ عنها لا يشملها هذا الإحصاء.

وبلغت عدد قضايا التحرش الجنسي والاغتصاب في مصر‏ على سبيل المثال 52 ألف قضية في سنة ‏2006‏ وحدها حسب تقارير أجراها المركز القومي للبحوث الاجتماعية والجنائية، أي بمعدل أي ‏140‏ قضية اغتصاب وتحرش كل يوم‏ ...Wiki

ذات صلة

في قضية أثارت استنكارا واستهجانا كبيرين، مثل أربعة رجال أمام القضاء في ولاية يوتاه غرب الولايات المتحدة، بتهمة الضلوع في اغتصاب مفترض لطفلة في التاسعة من العمر، عندما كانت والدتها تتعاطى المخدرات. ونقلت الفتاة إلى المستشفى ووضعت تحت وصاية الحكومة.

مثل أربعة رجال للمرة الأولى أمام المحكمة في ولاية يوتاه غرب الولايات المتحدة الثلاثاء، بتهمة الضلوع في اغتصاب مفترض لطفلة في التاسعة من العمر، عندما كانت والدتها تدخن مادة الميثامفيتامين المخدرة. ويواجه المتهمون احتمال السجن مدى الحياة، وهم حاليا موقوفون وملاحقون خصوصا بتهمة الاغتصاب.

 وأشار مكتب المسؤول المحلي في مقاطعة يونتاه في بيان إلى أن الاغتصاب وقع في 27 آذار/مارس عندما كانت الوالدة تزور أصدقاء لها في مدينة فيرنال الصغيرة. وقد توجهت إلى المرآب لتدخين مخدرات في وقت كانت ابنتها تنام على الأريكة.

وأضاف البيان "في هذا الوقت، تم نقل الفتاة إلى غرفة أخرى في المنزل حيث تعرضت للاغتصاب من أربعة رجال".

وبينت وثائق قضائية أن هؤلاء الرجال، وهم لارسون روندو (36 عاما) وجوزياه روندو (20 عاما) وجيري فلاتليب (29 عاما) وراندال فلاتليب (26 عاما)، الذين كانوا يقيمون مؤقتا في هذا المنزل، تناوبوا على اغتصاب الطفلة قبل إعادتها إلى الأريكة وتهديدها بالقتل في حال فضح الأمر.

وذكرت الوالدة أنها لدى خروجها من المرآب، وجدت ابنتها في حال "اضطراب" مع فستانها "مرفوعا فوق خصرها". وطلبت عندها سيارة أجرة لإعادتها إلى منزلها.

وفي اليوم التالي، أخبرتها ابنتها عن حادثة الاعتداء واتصلت بالشرطة.

ولفتت السلطات إلى أن الفتاة نقلت إلى المستشفى ووضعت تحت وصاية الحكومة.

ولم يدل المعتدون المفترضون الأربعة بأي تعليق عما إذا كانوا يقرون بذنبهم أم لا. وستحدد جلسة في 11 نيسان/أبريل لتحديد ما إذا كان في الإمكان إطلاق سراحهم بكفالة.... france24

كيف تتعامل مع الفتاة التي تعرضت للاغتصاب

وكما كتبت "سمر عبدالله-اليوم السابع" عن بعض النصائح عن كيفية معاملة الاهل للفتاة التي تعرضت للاغتصاب فتقول:

نظرًا لعادات وتقاليد الأهالى الخاطئة التى انطبعت على مر التاريخ فى عقولهم فإنهم يتبعون أساليب تساعد فى إيذاء الفتاة نفسيًا بشكل أكبر، لذا يُقدم لكِ الدكتور جمال فرويز عدة نصائح تساعدك على التعامل مع ابنتك المغتصبة بطريقة سليمة. 

  • تجنبى عبارات الشفقة بعد حادثة الاغتصاب للفتاة

 لم تستطع الأم المصرية أن تخفى حزنها على ابنتها داخلها، بل تجدها تُطلق بعد الكلمات التى تُظهر التحسر عليها والتى دون قصد تؤذى الطفلة نفسيًا أكثر وأكثر وتجعلها تتمنى الموت بدلا من الحياة.

  • "لا تحكى القصة لجيرانك وأقاربك" 

لا تحاولى رواية قصة اغتصابها يوميًا أمام أقاربكم وجيرانكم، ولا تسمحى لأحد أن يسأل ماذا بها، بل حاولى أن تجعلى الآخرين يصرفون نظر عن ذلك الموضوع ولا تروى هذه القصة لأحد.

  • "الانتقال من المكان"

 إذا وقعت حادثة الاغتصاب بالقرب من المنزل، فحاولى على قدر الإمكان أن تقوموا بالانتقال من هذا المكان إلى مكان آخر، يكون بعيدًا بشكل كبير عن المكان الذى حدثت فيه واقعة الاغتصاب، كى تتعامل ابنتك مع أشخاص جديدة لا يعرفون قصتها، حتى لا تتأثر نفسيًا.

  • "الذهاب إلى الطبيب النفسى كى لا تنحرف" 

حاولى أن تأخذى ابنتك إلى طبيب نفسى لمحو الآثار التى نتجت عن اغتصابها، فهذه الحادثة تركت انطباعًا سيئًا لديها فى نفسها وذاكرتها، وإذا لم يتم معالجة الفتاة نفسيًا سيؤدى ذلك إلى إنحراف الفتاة وإمكانية أن تصبح فتاة ليل أو مريضة نفسية نتيجة الكوابيس التى تعانيها ليلا.

  • "التصميم على معاقبة الجانى"

 إذا لم تر الفتاة أمامها معاقبة الجانى عقابًا شديدًا فستشعر بأنها أخطأت وأن الجانى لم يرتكب اثمًا فى حقها، وهذا سيؤثر على حياتها بشكل كامل وسئ جدًا، ما يجعل الفتاة تتضرر نفسيًا بشكل أكبر مع مرور الوقت، لذا يجب أن يصمم أهلها على معاقبة الجانى بأشد وسائل العقاب.

4 places should not be touched during intimacy

Posted by alialsayed | 2016/04/06 | Posted in

There are some places that prefer to avoid the man touching his wife; to avoid the feeling of pain or disease of any of the parties to the marital relationship.

1. Places excessive sweating:
When women do more during the intimate relationship may suffer from sweating, and about 99% of women do not prefer the man near the places of sweating, especially in the summer, it made her feel so more anxiety and stress and loss of confidence in the exercise of intimacy.

2. Cervix:
If you reach the cervix during practice intimacy, you must be aware that something is wrong; because cervical an important part of a woman's body, it is a narrow channel that associates the vagina uterus and helps in the growth of the fetus, so this place does not have to knock the door on it.
We may find some married couples make the mistake of touching the cervix, which displays a wife to severe pain, and you may need in this case for an end to intimacy; they are not ready enough to complete intimacy.

3. Higher breast:
This may seem an unexpected place, but higher breast, especially big boobs; because it is full of nerve cells are highly sensitive. And when you touch the highest breast wife may feel at a rate of high excitement. So try to avoid closer to this region suddenly; do not even touch the nerve endings. It may require you to examine your partner if they suffer from allergies or not.

4. Feet:
During the marital relationship Avoid touching your feet, especially if they are wearing sports socks frequently. A study at Johns Hopkins University have shown that wearing socks can increase orgasm for both men or women. In order to achieve effective orgasm intercourse should the wife be quite comfortable and do not suffer from any concern.

Cold feet wife on their ability to practice intimacy may affect the relationship. Some wives may suffer from tension ahead of intimacy, which leads to making the foot cool so when you touch the man for the feet that may increase the tense. We may advise you to wear socks before the exercise period of the intimate relationship; to warm the feet well and avoid it.
Also, if you notice that your wife did not get rid of excess hair in the feet, do not try to touch the feet; because it might ysharha as unattractive, and would make them feel some tension, which will cause alienated or rigidity in the relationship between you.

5. Facial seborrheic:
The practice of intimacy is the time may not be a good time to try to touch the face of your wife, if you have oily skin or suffer from blisters, even if it was very beautiful.
You may find the effects of anxiety and stress on the face, and put pressure on those pimples or oily skin may cause its first increase in these pimples; because scientifically refrain women from touching those pimples, and also can cause her pain if pimples is still alive and is not dry yet.

6. Stomach after eating a hearty meal:
Most men stomach flat prefer, but you may find it difficult desire, especially if the wife dealt with a hearty meal before going to sleep, or eat any food items lead to flatulence, and also the pre-menstrual suffering wife of a swollen stomach, so avoid touching stomach these periods; so that does not hurt your wife, which would cause obstruction relationship between you.

4 strange things man asks In intimacy

Posted by alialsayed | 2016/04/04 | Posted in

At the beginning of the marriage, both husband and wife reveal map of their bodies to close at more positions exciting, and best behaviors that happy and make them arrive to the peak, but in some cases, the pair may be asked his wife some strange acts through the exercise of intimacy because it increases the sense of excitement .
And there are some examples of the actions requested by the couples through the exercise of an intimate relationship, and look strange for some wives.

Love Bite Hicky

Some couples like to kiss his wife in her neck gently raised as a sort of increase, others prefer violent kissing in this region, with the result that some of the bruises, the so-called love bite.
The fact that some of them would prefer biting more than a little degree of kindness.

Lick Armpit

Some men are affected by the smell of the body dramatically, we find some couples raised by the bodies of their wives odors dramatically, and some of them Mulls in it, and likes to lick below the armpit of his wife with his tongue in the course of the exercise of intimacy, because that ignites desire and increases the sense of excitement.

Oral Sex

Some men pay great attention to oral sex, fondling and for more excitement before having an intimate relationship, the pair trustee, to joke with his tongue members of his genitals, and ask that they exchanged the same act, which could alienate some of the wives and makes them refuse to do so.
And medically, there are some studies, which were conducted on this matter, showed that oral sex is safe and does not cause any harm as long as there is not a venereal the couple's disease, there are other studies have shown that exercise frequently, or in the event of a venereal disease may lead to certain illnesses Kherbs cancer the mouth and throat.

Obsession with a certain part of the body Fetish

Is that the guy likes a certain part of a woman's body or something worn severe obsession, though adores her feet or her hair or wear the glasses for example, or high heels or any of the positions is not erotic at all, but they are are more what interests the pair in his wife through the exercise of intimacy , which makes some of the wives Astgrben what do their husbands.

All you wanted to know about Omega-3

Posted by Unknown | 2016/04/01 | Posted in

?Omega-3 what should I know about
Studies have shown in recent years, many advantages of fish oil or omega-3 is there in abundance in fatty fish and a unsaturated fatty acids and nutrition specialists advised making sure to take it to its benefits. There are many questions that revolve around the omega-3, such as:

What are omega-3?
What are the benefits of scientific fact and Almthboth about omega-3?
How much the quantities that must be addressed from the omega-3?
What is the amount of omega-3, which advised address them?
How many capsules you need to reach the ideal dose capsules of omega-3 a day?
When and how to take them?
What is the best commercial products for omega-3 pills?
Is it necessary to eat really?

Let's get rid of the confusion caused by all of these questions and we present in detail here on Ma3 Samia..

What are omega-3?

It is found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines. It is a great way to burn fat and build muscle, and many other benefits.
Omega 3 has shown many health benefits notable in the world of nutrition, which helps to provide many vital health benefits to the body. Where omega-3 consists of three types of fat called alpha-linolenic acid - Alaakosapentenwick - Djelkosahiksenwick acid. Omega-3 essential fatty acids that the body can not be produced in sufficient quantities, and then it must be obtained through food sources.
Then available omega-3 in flax seed oil, hemp oil, fish oil, squid oil and various other sources of omega-3.
Fish oil is an abundant source of omega-3s.

What are the benefits of omega-3?

We can shorten the importance and benefits in the short term "as the improved capabilities of the body in everything."

I do not know where to begin to explain these benefits in detail, but let's start with the benefits of omega-3 to build muscle and burn fat and are the basis for improving the appearance of the body.
Omega 3 and muscle building and fat loss:

Generally play a fatty acid important role in internal operations activity in the human body and give a comfortable sensation after the completion of the exercises in the improvement of muscle performance. There are two studies on the importance of omega-3 fat burning and muscle building that individuals who follow a healthy diet and exercise constantly have regular amounts of omega 3 able to burn more fat.

Research has shown that omega-3 helps to oxidize fat and treating insulin sensitivity and improve the body's consumption of calories.
Omega 3 is working to burn excess calories in the body and improve blood flow to the muscles during exercise and thus prevents muscle break and it also works as anti-inflammatory.

Benefits of Omega 3 for overall health:

When addressing the advantages of omega-3 on the overall health studies it has shown that there are many public benefits, including: reduce the risk of heart attacks.
Reduce the risk of strokes.
It reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood.
It helps to arrhythmia.
It works to reduce blood pressure.
It reduces the risk of atherosclerosis
Treats infections
It reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
And many, many benefits,,

In addition, the research also has shown that omega-3 prevents the following:

Alzheimer's disease. Omega-3 oils interference in the composition of cell membranes and nerve installation and links
Depression. It was found that people who eat foods rich in these oils rate of frustration they have is less than others by 10/1 they are very important for proper nervous Activity
Of heart disease.

  • Cancer.
Arthritis. - Is the lack of fatty acids of the key factors for inflammatory articular They relieve pain and swelling and inflammation of the skin caused by rheumatoid arthritis months
And eases inflammatory tendons while increasing that unsaturated fatty acids

  • Diabetes.
  • Hyperactivity .
  • Incidence of disability.
And omega-3 is also working on improving the mental health and memory and concentration it helps improve your mood and give a general feeling of well-being.
The last what has been reached about the benefits of omega-3 help get your hair and skin .oivkr best researchers it is working to alleviate the pain from the back and improve visibility and consequently has many benefits that are not counted.

The question now is what are the benefits that have been proven scientifically correct?
Certainly that this question is very important in order to identify the extent of the health studies and findings made by scientists Some of these proven health benefits of 100% or some other still under study.

Are there side effects of omega-3? Is it safe?

Omega 3 is considered largely insecure, they have impressive benefits. There are no side effects of omega-3, as long as the individual does not exceed the ideal daily dose.

Some may suffer when taking pills Omega 3, a bitter taste, or lack of sleep or increased activity or bulge or vomiting or nausea, but most of the side effects serious is that high doses affect increased blood clots and Beware of eating omega-3 with aspirin only under medical supervision. And pregnant women should be avoided, but a review of the physician because it may cause abnormalities of the fetus.
It's funny that when pregnant women consult some doctors advise eating omega-3 in the first place. For example, most women are taking omega-3 under the supervision of a doctor they are useful for the brain development of the child, but when doses exceeded abnormalities occur.

When and how to take Omega 3?

You should take omega-3 pills with meals and preferably taken on an empty stomach.

If you take more than one capsule a day by eating with some doctors it is not recommended but preferably distributed throughout the day, meaning eat one for breakfast and one for food, one with dinner and so on ..

What is the amount of omega-3 capsules, which should be dealt with in a day? How many capsules?

In order to answer this question you need to know the optimal dose of omega-3 capsules daily and that provide you with many benefits that we have said.
Here we offer clarification of the number of omega 3 capsules...
For example, certain brand containing 650 grams of acid Alaakosapentenwick and 450 grams of Djelkosahiksenwick acid each one .
So the average amount of omega-3, which advises Daily protein capsules weight is between 3 and 1.3 grams if you eat a greater or lesser amount must be under a doctor's supervision.
It must take into account that these quantities have been applied to a particular brand of omega-3 brands capsules other capsules containing different amounts of amino acids, the amount of weight whether greater or less may vary.
For this reason, the best regularity for a certain brand of omega-3 capsules because all I need is four capsules only and there are other types of capsules require eating six capsules a day.

What better choice brand omega-3 capsules standards?

There are a few common factors that must be considered when selecting omega-3 capsules, including:

  • Quality: it means choosing the best quality it is of great importance to avoid belching or repeatedly bitter taste .also contains less than the proportion of contaminants and give the best results.
  • Occasion: In other words, as mentioned above, there are brands need to eat more than 4 capsules in order to get the required quantity of acids. There are brands need you eat nearly 8 capsules to meet the daily quota of acids so we must choose the brand that suits you.
  • Price: capsules vary in price depending on the different brand and type I personally do not mind to spend more money to get a high-quality brand.

    Research has found that there are dozens of private brands Omega 3 capsules. The most these capsules contain amino acids that have been mentioned.
      Must when buying omega 3 capsules that three sets of factors into consideration so they can get the full benefit of omega-3 capsules

        Where you can buy omega 3 capsules?

        You can buy omega 3 nutrition stores, especially pharmacies where all types and at different prices.

        By: Samia

        Foods, household use as treatments,like?

        Posted by Unknown | 2016/03/30 | Posted in

        The world is witnessing for years a growing interest in medicinal plants, after we confirm that for medicinal plants effective not less than the effectiveness of chemical drugs, but sometimes superiority, it has developed today depending on the evolution that has occurred in recent years in the fields of agriculture, chemistry and the study of biology.
        The historical sources prove that medication plants may have known the oldest civilizations on earth; Egyptians ancients knew a lot of medicinal plants, Juniperus, garlic, pomegranate, citrullus colocynthis and pomegranates, and Castor,, and used in the treatment of various pain, also known as the Babylonians, Assyrians, Canaanites therapeutic properties of some plants, then came the Greeks, and after them the Romans; to inherit this knowledge, and add their knowledge to it as well as Arabs, who excelled in medical science such as: Ibn Sina and Ibn Zahr and Ibn al-Bitar, where were not content with the knowledge of the Greeks, but they added to a large number of scientific and botanical books that are references back to her; pharmaceutical plants have been used to heal the body and clarity of mind and spirit, and as long as the flowers used many of his papers and sing lullabies to your emotions, alleviate tensions, from these plants:


        The Arab doctors describe nourishing and restorative for the brain; to get rid of inactivity, but it is a tonic for the blood upward to the head; it strengthens the degree of purity of memory, and helps to focus and creativity.

        Benefits of mint

        • The most famous of the benefits of mint Calming upset stomach.
        • Its Aromatic oils fighting properties disorders, has made the French drenched mint after dinner digestive rituals.


        Of vegetables, which is hardly the house without them, it has a magical healing power many don’t know; as the leaves of antiseptic properties to rid the body of the poison, and parsley is rich in vitamins, and other nutritional elements.


        Potatoes diet of my people is of great nutritional value; it is rich in essential to the human body with vitamins, especially  to the important to Sight, which works well to keep skin and hair natural in health, and protects hair from falling, and the skin from drying out, and potatoes food power generator, reformer of the digestive disorders, suitable for all, including people with dyslexia.
        Carrots of the most common plants in the world, is rich in:

        • Vitamin A
        • Substance beta carotene
        • A high proportion of carbohydrates (starches: such as bread, rice and potatoes, pasta), which consists mainly of (sucrose and glucose and fructose in addition to cellulose and Alljugintin and other materials Bactanah)
        • Rich in protein, amino acids,
        • It contains a large amount of alkaline salts, potassium salts influence and in which a small amount of sodium, calcium, boron, iodine and other salts,
        • And it contains many vitamins, including: (a) b - b 2 - 6 b - c - d f
        • It is characterized by a high percentage of vitamin PP, which is rarely found in other vegetables.
        It also helps to soothe the wounds, and helps to heal quickly, but if used as it strengthens the skin and fueled, and for the carrots many properties; it is soothing, and anti-anemia, antiseptic, and balmy wound, and the mineral-rich, laxative, and calming.


        Fig tree of the most fruit trees ahead as the panel Egypt dating back to four thousand five hundred years show one of the women which is reaping the fruit of the fig, and it was the fig offers in Rome on the table gladiators has been named one of the Holy Quran as.  
        fig fruit is easy to digest, rich in sugar, contain protein and fatty elements, and a lot of phosphorus and calcium.


        Food power generator; it contains water, sugar, protein, potassium and vitamins of all kinds, an anti-anemia, purifier it, easy to digest, antiseptic, bactericidal.
        The medicinal plants, useful in the treatment of many diseases, Phytotherapy way waiting for a bright future, and this is what was preached by recent discoveries, but the collection of plants and their use must be based on scientific knowledge and experiences which it is based is based on, away from superstition and sorcery; then maintain that kind of treatment stature.

        By: Samia

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